Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just an update

It's been a long couple of weeks for Brodie and me. We had a great time in both Nashville and Texas. However, we really would prefer to be moving back to Southern California. I would even take NorCal right now compared to the middle of TN or TX. (And I mean really northern California, like north of the Bay area or even Fresno compared to the alternatives-- hey, at least it'd still be CA.. right?)

Anyway, that's my whining and complaining for the night. All in all we did have a great time and met a number of great people. There are worse things than having to live in the Texas hill country or on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee. This is actually a lesson and reality we are being hit with on top of everything else. One of my best friends is currently deployed in Qatar through the fall and another good friend has been in Afghanistan for the past four months. Having close friends on deployment always stresses and worries me some. We don't think Brodie will be redeployed, but there's always that chance if he stays on enlisted active duty and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't freak me out some.

I'm not so secretly praying that Brodie decides to leave active duty when the army finally is willing to let him go. This was the plan all along, but things change and I suppose nothing is ever for certain. Right now he's wanting to stay in the reserves probably and taking a job working with INSCOM that would be based out of Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio. In other news Brodie was supposed to be done with his current assignment this last February and it was extended to May; well now, we're looking at August. They've yet to find a suitable replacement for Brode and I think the army dragging their feet some on purpose. We know they'd like for Brodie to resign his contract and stay enlisted, but we're really leaning the other way. At least they've been pretty flexible with time off and schedules. We are of course going to Europe in June for our honeymoon :) After we return it looks like we'll spending the summer in Kansas and Brode will be hopefully training his replacement and transitioning out of active duty-- so much for our perfect SoCal beach summer :(

Given the current state of the world and Obama's stupid plan to deal with Afghanistan and pull out of Iraq, I believe we're looking at an even bigger mess and wars. This whole scenario pretty much totally freaks me out and is why Brodie and I are anxious and increasingly ready for him to be done with his military obligations.

In other news, we will actually be going out to Breckenridge in Colorado for a mini-vacation/long weekend in a couple weeks to just relax and enjoy the very end of ski season. That's it for now. When we get back from CO we're flying out to Ari and Kevin's wedding in Georgia and then back to Seattle for a few days. After that it's home to SoCal for Pepperdine's law school graduation and then to Santa Barbara for our wedding! There's just a little over a month-- Crazy!!


  1. Two weeks!! And then we will all be on the Georgia coast on Jekyll Island for my wedding! Kevin and I can't wait to see you and Brodie and are looking forward to your wedding and SB vacation time! We get to see each other twice in one month-- how lucky are we!

  2. Oh and i was really writing to say I agree on the moving to a "T" state thing. You should at least come live in Bham with me and Kevin! That way we'd at least have each other. But actually, I'm trying to get Kev to move back to Cali sometime soon- only to the bay area of course :) Just no more moving far away we all need to be back where we belong in the land of sun and beaches and disneyland. Hugs!

  3. I agree with Ari- no moving far away. At least if you were in San Diego I could come visit or even in Kansas I could. Or rather you could come see me. Kansas is closer than SoCal to Denver... it's only a seven hour drive.... And I miss my friends, law school is not so fun that way :) No more moving away to far off places!
    And can I come still down next weekend and stay with you guys at Breck? Finals will be done and we can have some fun :)

  4. Amy,
    Come on NorCal really? True it is better than Texas or Tennessee. Well let's be honest almost anywhere is better than Kentucky/Tennessee. However, NorCal, I don't think so. True it would be California and all but stop lying to yourself. You belong in SoCal and I mean by the beach and somewhere I like visiting and might want to live one day. How else are we going to enact our three point plan? You, me, Brian, Larkin, Sklar, and the Hunts-- gotta make it happen. So just move home to San Diego, Newport, TO, or SB already!

  5. One more thing. It's finals coming up. You know what that means-- I think one last care package is in order. Fresh brownies, Starbucks runs, and offers to do our laundry, cook us dinner, and toast to my success are expected. This is the LAST opportunity to show your loyalty and prove your friendship. LAST FINALS!
    Thanks in advance and I have your graduation ticket at my house for you to pick up.

  6. Garrett's right. I'm adding stocking the fridge with cold beer to the list. You started the tradition of baking brownies for us back in college and you gotta keep it up. Besides if you ever need a lawyer it's on us or congressional help you know where to turn.
